My ever so amazing sisters threw me my first Baby Shower yesterday. It was absolutely amazing. Complete with family, Mary Poppins trivia, laughs, yummy food, beautiful gifts... It was a jolly holiday! I am truly blessed with wonderful people around me. I simply cannot wait for Buttercup to arrive and feel all the love around her. Thank you (times a zillion) to everyone that took part in the festivities. It was truly humbling. I love allll of you!


The amazing cake that matched the invitation PERFECTLY!
Vicki did all the decorations by hand. Look out for her. She's going to take Martha Stewart by storm.
The Puj Tub!
My mom went above and beyond with this one! She had a basket FULL of giraffe goodies. Then she came out with this. I just love it! And does Mom look little in this picture or what?
Christine found this vintage gem. It's almost identical to one that my Mother made when she had her first child. When I opened it, it began a funny dispute of Christine getting upset with Mom for throwing it out long ago!
Sidenote: Christine also wrote a beautiful poem for Buttercup. I read it aloud and it choked up a bit. But reading it again today, in Buttercups room, surrounded by bags upon bags of her goodies, I bawled my eyes out.
My Aunt Sue re-gifted this amazing vintage Mary Poppins doll. Grandma gave it to her around the time the movie came out. I about died when I opened the box! I just adore it!
Vicki had this onesie custom-made. "My daddy is a dj What does your daddy do?" Perfection!
We were so excited about the cake, we went picture happy with it. Christine's close friend, Nancy, made and decorated it. She did the decorations all free-hand!
Christine, Leta and I all wore Toms... not planned!
My brother in law drew this adorable drawing for Baby Buttercup!
The answer sheets for Mary Poppins Trivia. My sister in law, Joy won with 8 answers correct. It was so much fun to hear people's answers.
It was a spectacular day. Now, I must go find room for all the lovely goodies for Buttercup.
THANK YOU EVERYONE! Mommy and Daddy Navarro and Baby Buttercup love you with all our hearts!
i wish so hard i could have been there. beware however - a package of joy is coming your way. love to you mama.
wish I could have been there, love you
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