Ever since we found out we're having a girl, I've been on a rampage of online wish-listing. Here's just a few things I came across...
The inner workings of Miss J Boogie. Living each day out loud through music, art, beauty and love
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Playlist for Buttercup
My close friend, Lana, sent me an ever so appropriate gift. It's a Lullabelly. You strap it around your belly. With it's attached speakers inside, it plays soft music to the baby. And since I'm a music whore, this is perfect.
So, I spent a good hour making playlists for the little Buttercup. Here is the playlist for the week.
Yes, it is in alphabetical order. Why not? She'll have her first lesson in the alphabet!
Now, keep in mind, I put only Buttercup music on my iPod. This is just one playlist. By the time she's born, she'll have a pretty eclectic musical ear! I'll make sure of it!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Just a bit preoccupied....
I had a really rough first trimester. I spent most of it either sleeping or getting sick. All while working 6 days a week. I won't try to sugarcoat it, it was rough. I did a lot of research on blogs and talking to fellow mothers in my life. I seriously felt as though I was alone in how bad I had the morning sickness. I would get so upset when woman would tell me how they never felt anything and felt great the whole time. I felt so alone and so scared. I've been waiting for these moments for so long. I finally have these precious moments and all I can do is feel as if I were on my death bed. I was so worried that it would be the case for the entire pregnancy. It finally eased up mid-November. It started Labor Day weekend. Andres had to take me to the hospital because it got so bad that I couldn't keep anything down for 3 days, I fainted and had to get an I.V. for fluids. But I think I'm back on track. Although, those 2.5 months of feeling so low and sick and tired, made me feel as if I couldn't accomplish anything. Hence the lack of blog posts, and the pile up of laundry, and dirty house. (But alas, hubby is cleaning right now. Whew!)
What else has happened?
We bought a new car! No more Fatima the Rav 4. Now I'm cruising around in Reginald Sassifras (named by my bestie, Gretchen) the Honda Element. It's awesome. Our little family car.
Next week is my last week with the twins. I will officially no longer be a nanny! How many times have I said this? I used to always say after each nanny job I had, "The next child I will care for will be my own." And that never was the case. But this time, it is. I will be a mommy instead of a nanny. It's amazing to think about. It's so bittersweet. I will have 2 extra days off which I need so badly. But I am going to miss the girls so much. Yes, they are my nieces but... I cherish the 2 days we share together. I have watched them grow and I love our time together. I will be visiting quite often. It just won't be the same.
Oh yea and today is Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone! We had a great time with my family. We are so lucky to have such an amazing family. I love the Kiefer's. Unfortunately, Andres' family is out of town so we don't get to see them during the holidays. His retail schedule doesn't allow it.
It's crazy to think that next Christmas we will be playing Santa Claus!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Lab
So, Andres has the spare bedroom. He calls it his "Beat Lab." It's where he keeps all his music/dj equipment. Half of it I can barely pronounce what it is. And it's all very heavy. It needs some serious organization. I'll leave it up to him. I hardly every go in that room. Unless, of course, he his dj'ing. Then I dance. See...

I digress... With his equipment taking up all the room in the spare room, it leaves me with not a whole lot of options on where to put all my "laboratory items.". Our living room and dining room are all connected. So, we split them up by putting my own "Lab" in between.
I'm pretty darn excited about it. Now, I can focus on doing my crafty things and not have to dig crap out of Rubbermaid containers. Handmade gifts for everyone.... here we go!!!!
This is a reallllly old picture. And will most likely come down once Andres sees it. He doesn't like this picture, seeing as how he is in his undies. I will post a new pic of me dancing to his beats. With his Lab all organized and pretty!
I digress... With his equipment taking up all the room in the spare room, it leaves me with not a whole lot of options on where to put all my "laboratory items.". Our living room and dining room are all connected. So, we split them up by putting my own "Lab" in between.
I'm pretty darn excited about it. Now, I can focus on doing my crafty things and not have to dig crap out of Rubbermaid containers. Handmade gifts for everyone.... here we go!!!!
My Friend's Having a Baby
And I got crafty!
I made 2 burp cloths. I got this adorable fabric that says "That's how I roll." So flippin cute!
I wasn't alone in the sewing endeavors. I had help from my lovely sister in law, Vicki. She is the motivation and inspiration behind my new sewing escapades. Without her, I would be knee deep in paper and scissors and bored out of my mind. She has helped me to branch out in my crafts. She and my brother bought me the sewing machine for my 30th Birthday. It all started there. So, thank you Vicki!
Back to the project...
I also made a little taggie blanket. Vicki was the mastermind behind the tutorial. She made it up all on her own. Clap Your Hands Say Yea for Vicki!
On to the onesies.... This friend that is pregnant has been a close friend of mine since we were wee little 16 year olds. We attended concerts together, swooned over the lead singers and drummers. We eventually came to be roommates while living our hectic lives in New York City. She was more than a roommate, she was my partner in crime. I love the heck out of that pretty lady! And now she is to become a mother. I couldn't be happy for her! And now, Clap Your Hands Say Yea for Christy!!!!
So, needless to say, she rocks. As does her husband. I might add, I was there when they met. We were standing in line for (can't remember which band, perhaps it was Brand New or Taking Back Sunday?)
I used iron-on letters for the lettering. As for the music notes... I used the lovely tutorial by MADE.
1. Cut out your design with an exacto knife.
2. Iron-on the stencil with the smooth side of the paper down.
3. Use fabric paint and paint over the stencil. Careful not to paint outside of the stencil. Just inside.
4. Let dry for a few hours.
5. Remove the stencil. It's kinda fun to see the stencil revealed underneath.
6. Iron over the stencil. Make sure you put a cloth down between the stencil'd fabric and the iron.
7. Voila!!! You're done.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Thoughts of her
Sometimes (and by sometimes, I mean often, and by often, I mean always) I think about Grandma. There's quite a few songs that make my thoughts run even more ramped than normal. This is one of them.
City and Colour,
Grandma Rita,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Put your heart on the shelf, go ahead love yourself....
Just a little melody that soothes my soul.
Honesty. Beauty. Security.
Honesty. Beauty. Security.
India Arie,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie!!!
This clock is just so precious.
I love what Sevenply from Etsy is doing. She uses recycled skateboards as materials for jewelry and accesories. I love these pocket mirrors.
This adorable zipper pouch from The Dainty Squid
I'm in love with this necklace from Something Monumental on Etsy. Just might be able to convince the Mr. to let me do some online shopping for this puppy.

I need this bangle bracelet from Kate Spade!
These amazing Ray Ban Catty Clubmaster shades. Hubby came home with these for me a few months ago. It made me smile.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Bestest is Best Coast
New favorite album? Best Coast
And I love this track. Kid Cudi and Bethany from Best Coast.
Kid Cudi, Best Coast, Rostam Batmanglij Collaborate for Converse Track :: Blogs :: Awesome of the Day :: Paste">
They're coming to St. Louis September 14. Please don't let me be an old lady and not attend because I'm "too tired." Please help me to retain my motto and "Live Out Loud!"
And I love this track. Kid Cudi and Bethany from Best Coast.
Kid Cudi, Best Coast, Rostam Batmanglij Collaborate for Converse Track :: Blogs :: Awesome of the Day :: Paste">
They're coming to St. Louis September 14. Please don't let me be an old lady and not attend because I'm "too tired." Please help me to retain my motto and "Live Out Loud!"
Best coast,
Whether you're high or low...
So, things have been a bit crazy lately. In a good way, I promise. I've been focusing pretty much all of my energy on rejuvenating my creative spirit. So far, it has been awakened quite a bit. It snoozes from time to time. I need a better alarm clock.
Andres and I went to to Target and Organized Living yesterday to get new cubicals for my "craft lab." His equipment takes up so much space, he gets the entire spare bedroom. I get the extra space in the living room. And since all my fabric and paper and materials and such are just in giant rubbermaid containers, it's been a bit messy lately. We wore ourselves out yesterday. Starting with an early breakfast with the parents and then off to errand running... we didn't get to putting all the shelves together. Tonight, I will tackle it. That is, if my sciatica shuts the hell up. It was pretty bad yesterday. Poor Andres had to listen to me moan and complain throughout the day.
But overall, it was an awesome day. I love days off with my Mr.
Onto the lovely topic of music. YAY! Jump up and down! And get your tap shoes out. And turn up your speakers on your computer cuz this lady knows what's up...
Janelle Monae. Love love love love her right now. She is just stunning. She's opening for Of Montreal on October 21 at The Pagaent. I will be attending.
Andres and I went to to Target and Organized Living yesterday to get new cubicals for my "craft lab." His equipment takes up so much space, he gets the entire spare bedroom. I get the extra space in the living room. And since all my fabric and paper and materials and such are just in giant rubbermaid containers, it's been a bit messy lately. We wore ourselves out yesterday. Starting with an early breakfast with the parents and then off to errand running... we didn't get to putting all the shelves together. Tonight, I will tackle it. That is, if my sciatica shuts the hell up. It was pretty bad yesterday. Poor Andres had to listen to me moan and complain throughout the day.
But overall, it was an awesome day. I love days off with my Mr.
Onto the lovely topic of music. YAY! Jump up and down! And get your tap shoes out. And turn up your speakers on your computer cuz this lady knows what's up...
Janelle Monae. Love love love love her right now. She is just stunning. She's opening for Of Montreal on October 21 at The Pagaent. I will be attending.
Janelle Monae,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I was staring out the window....
So, as ridiculous as it may sound, I love windows. If I could live in a house completely surrounded by windows with no walls, I'd be a happy camper. A loft would suffice.
As a kid I was completely obsessed with wanting a bay window or a window seat in my bedroom. I would put my bed up against my window because it was the closest thing I had to having one. If we ever buy a house/loft/villa/condo, I will only buy it if it has a bay window or a window seat. Period, end of sentence!
Fiona Apple,
So, I've been M.I.A. from the blog world.
I tried doing a weekly post theme and that obviously didn't work. I think what it boils down to is I just don't have enough time. Or is that really it? I don't know.
But nonetheless, I've been drawing a blank when it comes to writing and blogging.
I will post music.
Perhaps it should've been the theme of my blog in the first place. Which brings me to a topic that I will attempt to write about amidst my writers block....
What exactly is the theme of this here blog? I consider myself to be a somewhat private person. So I can't just make it about my life. It is indeed entitled Live Out Loud. So it should be about ways to LIVE OUT LOUD! So, how do I, J Boogie Live Out Loud?
Through music, fashion and family.
There you have it! The theme to this little page we call a blog. How this crazy little lady, named Julie(a) Lives Out Loud.
Here's a song that I've been rocking lately...
I tried doing a weekly post theme and that obviously didn't work. I think what it boils down to is I just don't have enough time. Or is that really it? I don't know.
But nonetheless, I've been drawing a blank when it comes to writing and blogging.
I will post music.
Perhaps it should've been the theme of my blog in the first place. Which brings me to a topic that I will attempt to write about amidst my writers block....
What exactly is the theme of this here blog? I consider myself to be a somewhat private person. So I can't just make it about my life. It is indeed entitled Live Out Loud. So it should be about ways to LIVE OUT LOUD! So, how do I, J Boogie Live Out Loud?
Through music, fashion and family.
There you have it! The theme to this little page we call a blog. How this crazy little lady, named Julie(a) Lives Out Loud.
Here's a song that I've been rocking lately...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
New York I love you, but you're bringing me down....
I spent 6 days in New York last week. I'm exhausted. But it was amazing.
We shopped, of course. I spent a lot of money, of course. This is New York, people. The only way to do New York, whether it be living or visiting there, is to spend a lot of money. I don't know it any other way.
The only touristy thing we did was walk the Brooklyn Bridge. But I must do it every time I go to New York.
My dear dear dear friend, Lana bought a house in Westchester. It's amazing to think about how far the two of us have come as friends and apart in our lives. We're both married. We used to galavant around New York. I, trying to find a man. Her, keeping me in line. She now has a 1.2 million dollar home. I'm in my lovely little condo with my wonderful husband. Here's Lana in front of the house. It's absolutely beautiful. I'm so happy for her.
We did a little photo shoot. The weather was perfect
Overall, the trip was amazing. I got to see my dear friends, Lana and Tia. I did some much needed shopping. I got to be off work. It was perfect.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Monday Loves and Gimmie's
www.bleubirdvintage.com (I want this skirt so bad. Someone buy it for me please?)
www.wehearit.com (Although I have seen this image on countless different sites and blogs. If you know the original source, please let me know)
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