I've been on a die-hard thinking roller coaster. And sometimes, music is the wooden track.
Yes, I'm terrified of roller coasters. You will NEVER see my scrawny little self riding one. But I'll take my life as a roller coaster. Always has been. But I do believe that every single person on this planet lives a life of chaos. I'm not the only one on the ride. We all are.
So, this is just one song that rings in my ears so softly but yet ever so loudly.
Kevin Devine, you said it best. And I certainly love you for it...
A good man doesn't drink
And I've been drinking alone
So what does that make me?
My hands they always shake
And no one's calling my phone
So what does that make me?
And I know the kid with his guitar
So drunk and anxious
Has been done to death
So tell me what hasn't
I'll try it
Because I'm selfish enough to wanna get better
But I'm backwards enough not to take any steps to get there
And when you realize it's a pattern
And not a phase
It's what you've become and it's what you will stay
That's ballgame
'Cause I don't got room in my life for anyone else
And I've driven away all the people that could help
And I still don't even know what I need to do to fix myself
There's a clamp around my chest
That tightens every time I lapse into
Another sorry story
About my miserable collapse
A bronze box I keep encased in glass
And dust off whenever I want your pity
'Cause lately I've had to come to grips with scope and figure
How my problems stack up in a world two steps from ruin
(Or maybe it's rapture)
Well, either way, I realize that my shit's about as small as it could be
But that makes me feel worse for even feeling this bad in the first place
'Cause there's a war starting soon, and all the flags'll be waving
Daniel's 20-year-old friend will be ready, and willing, and waiting
He's a Marine and he told me
And that makes me sad
Really, really fucking sad
But at least he'll act
I'll just bite my tongue and then say, "Daniel you wish him luck
or pray that he comes back for his mother's sake",
and then I'll drink those thoughts away
I've gotten good at that
And when you realize it's a pattern
And not a phase
It's what you've become and it's what you will stay
That's ballgame
Now, go out and buy his album. Preferably the one with this song on it. While you're at it buy any and every Beth Orton and Fiona Apple cd. And pick up August and Everything After by The Counting Crows. That's what I call soul searching music, among a zillion others.
Perhaps I'll do a post about "dance your ass off "music. Or "let's get the party started" music. How about "I hate your f'in guts" music. And the beloved, "you're the best thing to happen to me" music.
Either way. Whatever is your poison, I got it. And don't you worry, I'll fill you in.
Music is the way to my soul.
Deal with it.
The inner workings of Miss J Boogie. Living each day out loud through music, art, beauty and love
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Da Da, Supermodels, Chloe Sevigny, and JFK
Lemon was asked to do the hair for the Da Da Ball again this year. Duh, of course we said yes! I did the makeup for the flyers and promo photos. Heather and Shelly did the hair.

For the actual event, we just focused on hair. And since I focus most of my event talent on makeup and not updo styles, I was a bit nervous. But it all worked out beautifully!

This model had dark hair. It was really hard to photograph the finished look where you can see all of it. But it turned out great.
Denny rocked some amazing updo's, like always.

The models looked beautiful. They were all so young. The youngest was 16!
The fashion show was amazing. I wanted every single one of the gowns. The theme for Da Da this year was Decades. They had gowns from all over the world, famous desingers, from many decades ago. This one was my favorite:

We enjoyed the show, had a few drinks, rubbed elbows with the rich and famous of St. Louis. Then I got a text from the hubby saying he was djing at the JFK from MSTRKFRT show. Just a bit of info on what is MSTRKRFT. They are a dj duo from Toronto. Formerly Death From Above 1979. Andres basically idolized them. So, we had to rush over to the show. But not before I bump into Chloe SEvigny. I turned to leave and ran right smack into her. Then Lauren and I followed her into the bathroom. She said something about the water from the sink. What did I say to her? "Yea, the water in St. Louis is really hot." Really? Who says that. I'm an idiot. Then we got a picture with the beauty.

We then headed over to the JFK show. Andres was killing it on the tables, as always! JFK was great. I had to leave early because I was having a hard time breathing. Stupid St. Louis and their allowance of smoking in bars. Also, witnessing a huge light fall on top of a girls head, kinda messed me up. I wanted to get out of there!

Andres had a good time. And I suppose that's all that matters.

For the actual event, we just focused on hair. And since I focus most of my event talent on makeup and not updo styles, I was a bit nervous. But it all worked out beautifully!
This model had dark hair. It was really hard to photograph the finished look where you can see all of it. But it turned out great.
Denny rocked some amazing updo's, like always.
The models looked beautiful. They were all so young. The youngest was 16!
The fashion show was amazing. I wanted every single one of the gowns. The theme for Da Da this year was Decades. They had gowns from all over the world, famous desingers, from many decades ago. This one was my favorite:

We enjoyed the show, had a few drinks, rubbed elbows with the rich and famous of St. Louis. Then I got a text from the hubby saying he was djing at the JFK from MSTRKFRT show. Just a bit of info on what is MSTRKRFT. They are a dj duo from Toronto. Formerly Death From Above 1979. Andres basically idolized them. So, we had to rush over to the show. But not before I bump into Chloe SEvigny. I turned to leave and ran right smack into her. Then Lauren and I followed her into the bathroom. She said something about the water from the sink. What did I say to her? "Yea, the water in St. Louis is really hot." Really? Who says that. I'm an idiot. Then we got a picture with the beauty.

We then headed over to the JFK show. Andres was killing it on the tables, as always! JFK was great. I had to leave early because I was having a hard time breathing. Stupid St. Louis and their allowance of smoking in bars. Also, witnessing a huge light fall on top of a girls head, kinda messed me up. I wanted to get out of there!

Andres had a good time. And I suppose that's all that matters.
Chloe Sevigny,
Da Da Ball,
Monday, April 19, 2010
"Peace out"..... only to find peace in...
I've left quite a few times. It was first Chicago when I was 19. Only to become a Beauty School Drop-Out. Only to discover that loneliness is the most empty, scary, overwhelming feeling I have ever experienced. I rarely talk about my time in Chicago. Two reasons: 1) It was so long ago. 2) It was excruciating.
Upon my arrival back home after the 6 months in Chicago, I vowed to never leave again. School and work got the best of me. As did women. I kinda forgot who I was and what the hell I was doing back in St. Louis. Then my heart was ripped out, stomped on and left to heal allll on its own. So I decided it was time to leave again.
It was almost as though St. Louis was forcing me away. Or was it? So many nasty things took place. My immature heart and mind thought the only way to heal from it all was to Peace Out. A part of me thinks it was the stupidest thing. The other part of me is grateful. I am who I am because I left. I learned to be who I am because I left.
But I will say, it was silly to leave the negativity. I should've went to find the positivity. I was so focused on the negative, I couldn't even imagine anything positive in the future. I just wanted to forget everything prior. Boy did I NOT. Everything I did reminded me of what was. Everyone I met was compared to who I used to know. Every place I went felt like I'd been there before. But I'd never done those things before, met those people before, been to those places. I was just so obsessed over everything that was. Past past past past past. All my mind thought about.
Future future future future. Didn't even cross my mind.
It's a horrible feeling. Dwelling on the past. Wondering what could've been done differently. It took me a long time to look at things in the perspective that, "Evertything is going to be alright." I discovered that all on my own.
I realized that nasty people are everywhere. Debt can get worse (especially in Manhattan!). Family is still family and they will always be where you left them.
So, if you want to "get the hell out of here," DO IT! I encourage it! But think about why you are leaving. Think about what makes you feel so strongly to want to leave in the first place. Is it to leave or to go? Did you see a movie that was filmed in Seattle and think, "what a beautiful city, I want to live there." Or did you have a bad day and think, "It sucks here. I hate everyone. I'm going to get the hell out of this god-forsaken place." Go with the first thought. The second thought it just toxic.
I never thought I'd ever move back home. I cursed this place for the longest time, I made it appear to be the devil's rock. But I grew up. I look at the positive. I look to the future and quit looking at the horrible negative past.
I'm home and I couldn't be happier about it.
Upon my arrival back home after the 6 months in Chicago, I vowed to never leave again. School and work got the best of me. As did women. I kinda forgot who I was and what the hell I was doing back in St. Louis. Then my heart was ripped out, stomped on and left to heal allll on its own. So I decided it was time to leave again.
It was almost as though St. Louis was forcing me away. Or was it? So many nasty things took place. My immature heart and mind thought the only way to heal from it all was to Peace Out. A part of me thinks it was the stupidest thing. The other part of me is grateful. I am who I am because I left. I learned to be who I am because I left.
But I will say, it was silly to leave the negativity. I should've went to find the positivity. I was so focused on the negative, I couldn't even imagine anything positive in the future. I just wanted to forget everything prior. Boy did I NOT. Everything I did reminded me of what was. Everyone I met was compared to who I used to know. Every place I went felt like I'd been there before. But I'd never done those things before, met those people before, been to those places. I was just so obsessed over everything that was. Past past past past past. All my mind thought about.
Future future future future. Didn't even cross my mind.
It's a horrible feeling. Dwelling on the past. Wondering what could've been done differently. It took me a long time to look at things in the perspective that, "Evertything is going to be alright." I discovered that all on my own.
I realized that nasty people are everywhere. Debt can get worse (especially in Manhattan!). Family is still family and they will always be where you left them.
So, if you want to "get the hell out of here," DO IT! I encourage it! But think about why you are leaving. Think about what makes you feel so strongly to want to leave in the first place. Is it to leave or to go? Did you see a movie that was filmed in Seattle and think, "what a beautiful city, I want to live there." Or did you have a bad day and think, "It sucks here. I hate everyone. I'm going to get the hell out of this god-forsaken place." Go with the first thought. The second thought it just toxic.
I never thought I'd ever move back home. I cursed this place for the longest time, I made it appear to be the devil's rock. But I grew up. I look at the positive. I look to the future and quit looking at the horrible negative past.
I'm home and I couldn't be happier about it.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I doesn't matter who you are. Who you love. We all should be able to be ourself. It sickens me the ignorance in the world. I can't change the world but I can surely support...

day off, shopping and teddy grahams...
Things have been hectic lately. Stressful. Busy. The simple things like laundry and dishes seemed pratically impossible to tackle. So, I took this past Friday off. But instead of busy work, I took a Julie day. Spent the day with Mom and Auntie Barb. We went to lunch at Sasha's. It was delish. Patio seating, coffee, salads, crepes, laughs. We then went to the loop for shopping. What's a day with mom without shopping? Duh.
I needed it.
Then the evening came and Andres and our dear friend, Anna, kicked off their bi-monthly party. They titled it Fukd Fridays. Such potty mouths they have! The party is housed at the infamous Flamingo Bowl on Washington. It draws a really big crowd so it was perfect for them to kick things off.

I was anxious. We've been going out a lot lately but this night was a big deal to the Mr. So, I mapped out a lovely outfit. Based around my new headband...

I even matched my makeup to the headband.
So, what happened once we got to the bar? My headband ripped. Since I'm such a fashionista, I wasn't about to just not wear it. So, Lauren and I walked to the Schnucks and I bought a little sewing kit. I was hungry so while in line I grabbed the closest thing, a canister of Teddy Grahams. The honey ones. Yummmmy.

Then spawned the theme of the night. Sharing the teddy grahams with our friends with one exception. If you ate one, you had to let me photograph you with one on your tongue....

Doesn't it just make you want to go to the nearest supermarket and grab a box of Teddy Grahams? If my greedy friends hadn't eaten all of them I'd be munching on the leftovers right now!
Needless to say, we had a great time. Andres and Anna threw it down. The crowd was great. So many of our friends came out to support. It was great!

I love my husband. I am so proud of him.

Hope your eyes aren't sore from all the pictures!
I needed it.
Then the evening came and Andres and our dear friend, Anna, kicked off their bi-monthly party. They titled it Fukd Fridays. Such potty mouths they have! The party is housed at the infamous Flamingo Bowl on Washington. It draws a really big crowd so it was perfect for them to kick things off.

I was anxious. We've been going out a lot lately but this night was a big deal to the Mr. So, I mapped out a lovely outfit. Based around my new headband...
I even matched my makeup to the headband.
So, what happened once we got to the bar? My headband ripped. Since I'm such a fashionista, I wasn't about to just not wear it. So, Lauren and I walked to the Schnucks and I bought a little sewing kit. I was hungry so while in line I grabbed the closest thing, a canister of Teddy Grahams. The honey ones. Yummmmy.
Then spawned the theme of the night. Sharing the teddy grahams with our friends with one exception. If you ate one, you had to let me photograph you with one on your tongue....
Doesn't it just make you want to go to the nearest supermarket and grab a box of Teddy Grahams? If my greedy friends hadn't eaten all of them I'd be munching on the leftovers right now!
Needless to say, we had a great time. Andres and Anna threw it down. The crowd was great. So many of our friends came out to support. It was great!
I love my husband. I am so proud of him.
Hope your eyes aren't sore from all the pictures!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hoppy Easter
For Easter this year we went to my parents. As we do with pretty much every holiday. The weather was perfect. 80 degrees and sunny. We did an easter egg hunt for the little ones and of course ate. I made lemon cake easter egg balls. I used the same Lemon cupcake recipe but then mixed the baked cake with vanilla frosting and dipped 'em in candy melts. I then used lemon zest for the decoration along with some sprinkles.

So overall it was a nice day. Got lots of pictures. Andres complained because the first one of us he hated. It wasn't his good side....
My good side:

So, we did another one.... His good side:

I tried not to think about the fact that last Easter was when we announced to the family that we were expecting and that today we could've had a 4 month old with us. Some things I just try to block out in certain circumstances.
Happy (belated) Easter everyone!
So overall it was a nice day. Got lots of pictures. Andres complained because the first one of us he hated. It wasn't his good side....
My good side:
So, we did another one.... His good side:
I tried not to think about the fact that last Easter was when we announced to the family that we were expecting and that today we could've had a 4 month old with us. Some things I just try to block out in certain circumstances.
Happy (belated) Easter everyone!
Life gives you lemons... make cupcakes!
So, my very dear friend, Ouida (pronounced Wee-Duh) moved to Chicago. I met her through my job. She actually is the one that hired me. She had the wonderful position of being Salon Manager at Lemon Spalon where I am a hair stylist and makeup artist. Anyway... She fell in love with a great guy who happened to live in Chicago. After countless weekend trips, she decided to take the plunge and move to be with him.
We were all so sad to see her go but ever so happy for her.
For her going away present I made her Lemon cupcakes (appropriately enough!) and put together a modge podge of pix. I just glued a bunch of pix onto a canvas then poured lacquer over it. Ta-da!

As you may know Live Out Loud as become my slogan. That's a whole other post that I have yet to put up. I'm such a procrastinator!
The Lemon cupcakes turned out deeeelish.

See... Ouida loved 'em:

As did my husband:

Here's the recipe:
From www.slashfood.com
Lemon Buttermilk Cupcakes
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter (1/2 stick), soft
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp lemon extract
Preheat the oven to 350F. Line one muffin pan with cupcake liners.
In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Beat in egg. Add vanilla and lemon extracts into the buttermilk and pour half into the sugar mixture. Mix in half of the flour mixture, followed by the remaining buttermilk and the rest of the flour. Stir only until just combined. Divide evenly into the prepared cups.
Bake at 350F for 18-23 minutes, or until a toothpick tester comes out clean.
Cool completely on a wire rack before frosting.
Makes 12 cupcakes.
For the frosting I used my favorite cream cheese frosting:
From www.joythebaker.com
Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting
2 1/3 cups powdered sugar, sifted
3 Tablespoons butter, room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, cold (I used room temperature)
scant 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Beat the powdered sugar, cinnamon, and butter together in the bowl of a stand mixer fit with a paddle attachment. Mix on medium-slow speed until it comes together and is well mixed.
Add the cream cheese all at once and beat on medium to medium-high until incorporated.
Turn the mixer to medium-high and beat for 5 minutes, or until the frosting becomes light and fluffy.
Do not over-beat as the frosting can quickly become runny.
In addition to the Lemon cupcakes and collage, we partied hard to bid farewell to the lovely Miss Ouida....

Ouida partied a bit tooooo hard.... Life gave her alcohol.... she made a hangover!

I miss the F out of that girl. A goofy kiss for her...
We were all so sad to see her go but ever so happy for her.
For her going away present I made her Lemon cupcakes (appropriately enough!) and put together a modge podge of pix. I just glued a bunch of pix onto a canvas then poured lacquer over it. Ta-da!
As you may know Live Out Loud as become my slogan. That's a whole other post that I have yet to put up. I'm such a procrastinator!
The Lemon cupcakes turned out deeeelish.
See... Ouida loved 'em:
As did my husband:
Here's the recipe:
From www.slashfood.com
Lemon Buttermilk Cupcakes
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter (1/2 stick), soft
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp lemon extract
Preheat the oven to 350F. Line one muffin pan with cupcake liners.
In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Beat in egg. Add vanilla and lemon extracts into the buttermilk and pour half into the sugar mixture. Mix in half of the flour mixture, followed by the remaining buttermilk and the rest of the flour. Stir only until just combined. Divide evenly into the prepared cups.
Bake at 350F for 18-23 minutes, or until a toothpick tester comes out clean.
Cool completely on a wire rack before frosting.
Makes 12 cupcakes.
For the frosting I used my favorite cream cheese frosting:
From www.joythebaker.com
Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting
2 1/3 cups powdered sugar, sifted
3 Tablespoons butter, room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese, cold (I used room temperature)
scant 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Beat the powdered sugar, cinnamon, and butter together in the bowl of a stand mixer fit with a paddle attachment. Mix on medium-slow speed until it comes together and is well mixed.
Add the cream cheese all at once and beat on medium to medium-high until incorporated.
Turn the mixer to medium-high and beat for 5 minutes, or until the frosting becomes light and fluffy.
Do not over-beat as the frosting can quickly become runny.
In addition to the Lemon cupcakes and collage, we partied hard to bid farewell to the lovely Miss Ouida....
Ouida partied a bit tooooo hard.... Life gave her alcohol.... she made a hangover!
I miss the F out of that girl. A goofy kiss for her...
lemon cupcakes
Monday, April 5, 2010
Dirty Thirty- 1920's Style
So, I'm delayed. I'm way behind, sue me!
I don't usually celebrate my Birthday. Two reasons:
1. I'm a leap year baby. My Birthday does not come every year. Why make a big fuss over a day when it doesn't even exist every year?
2. I'm paranoid that if I celebrate, no one else will with me. Wierd insecurity I suppose.
But this year.... a bit different. I turned 30. A client of mine told me about a 30th Birthday party she atteneded with her boyfriend. The girl did a 1920s theme. "farewell to the 20s." So, I stole the idea!
I made all the invitations from scratch. All the way down to the envelopes. My good friend, Shannon, helped out. We pressed the envelopes and folded 'em. Luckily, no papercuts! I printed the actual invitation on a cd. On the cd was music from the 1920's, 1980's 1990's and 2000. Three generations of Julie. Three generations of music. And anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a music whore!

I expected only a select few to actually listen to the cd. But suprisingly quite a few people have raved about the choice of songs. Friends and family are constantly asking, "what's that one song called on the cd? I love that song?" Funny thing is, I've made my fair share of mixes in my day and can't quite memorize every single one of 'em. I simply ask them to sing a verse and instantly I name the song and artist. See- music whore!
Ok, rambling....
Back to the party planning. I was originally going to make ALL the food! Ha, there goes that ambition again. Wierdo! I opted to just stick to what I know best, desserts! Mom went ahead and got her hands dirty and did the food. She made dollar sandwiches and cut up tons of fruits and veggies. I think mom is so used to planning for a lot of people (6 kids in this family and 5 granddaughters, 3 nephews!) So, needless to say, there was a TON of food. And I take after my mother in so many ways... i made 120 cupcakes!
No pictures of the treats. I know, I'm a complete idiot. Totally forgot. I made red velvet cupcakes that I got from Joythebaker.com. I tweaked a recipe I found in a google search and did amaretto cupcakes. I put a minalo cookie in each. Then I made caramel filled cupcakes with caramel frosting. My mom kept saying "I can't believe you're doing it all from scratch. Just get the box stuff." But not for this lady! I have become very fond of from-scratch baking. No prepared stuff for me!
Onto the wardrobe....
I wanted to be sure my get-up was one of a kind. I didn't want to go traditional flapper dress. When I think of 1920's fashion, for some odd reason, lace comes to mind. Most of the imagry I found was very danty and lacey. I had a picture perfect idea in my head. Layering lace slips/nightey's. So, I was on the hunt. I thought the best place to look was lingerie stores. And alas, I was correct. I found a simple black lace nightey at Nordstrom. I really wanted to do white on top. While shopping for Valentines' Day presents, I stumbleled upon the store, Soma. (I don't wear lingerie/bra's. Negataive A cup over here! So, lingerie stores are not frequented by me!) They had a perfect white lace nightey.
I got a black garder and some thigh highs, lots of pearls and called it a day. Well, not exactly.... what about the hair? As you know, I have a LOT of hair. And if you google 1920s fashion, they didn't have long hair back then. I opted to do a wig. And yes, all of it fit into the wig cap. Securley? Heck no. But there was a lot of hairstylists in attendence so I had some assistance throughout the night!
Pre lipstick, pre pearls, pre wig...

We hired a dj. His name is Drace Navarro. He is my husband. And let me just say, he cleans up very nice and he plays the best of tunes. Considering his music choice to dj is my shared itunes library.

We hired a photographer. His name is Judd. He was amazing. Over 150 pictures were captured. They are in order of occurance on the cd. And let me tell you, you can tell how much liquor was consumed throughout the evening... just by the photo's!
So, the party was a success. Everyone dressed up. People showed up!
So... just a few of the evidence captured......

I don't usually celebrate my Birthday. Two reasons:
1. I'm a leap year baby. My Birthday does not come every year. Why make a big fuss over a day when it doesn't even exist every year?
2. I'm paranoid that if I celebrate, no one else will with me. Wierd insecurity I suppose.
But this year.... a bit different. I turned 30. A client of mine told me about a 30th Birthday party she atteneded with her boyfriend. The girl did a 1920s theme. "farewell to the 20s." So, I stole the idea!
I made all the invitations from scratch. All the way down to the envelopes. My good friend, Shannon, helped out. We pressed the envelopes and folded 'em. Luckily, no papercuts! I printed the actual invitation on a cd. On the cd was music from the 1920's, 1980's 1990's and 2000. Three generations of Julie. Three generations of music. And anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a music whore!
I expected only a select few to actually listen to the cd. But suprisingly quite a few people have raved about the choice of songs. Friends and family are constantly asking, "what's that one song called on the cd? I love that song?" Funny thing is, I've made my fair share of mixes in my day and can't quite memorize every single one of 'em. I simply ask them to sing a verse and instantly I name the song and artist. See- music whore!
Ok, rambling....
Back to the party planning. I was originally going to make ALL the food! Ha, there goes that ambition again. Wierdo! I opted to just stick to what I know best, desserts! Mom went ahead and got her hands dirty and did the food. She made dollar sandwiches and cut up tons of fruits and veggies. I think mom is so used to planning for a lot of people (6 kids in this family and 5 granddaughters, 3 nephews!) So, needless to say, there was a TON of food. And I take after my mother in so many ways... i made 120 cupcakes!
No pictures of the treats. I know, I'm a complete idiot. Totally forgot. I made red velvet cupcakes that I got from Joythebaker.com. I tweaked a recipe I found in a google search and did amaretto cupcakes. I put a minalo cookie in each. Then I made caramel filled cupcakes with caramel frosting. My mom kept saying "I can't believe you're doing it all from scratch. Just get the box stuff." But not for this lady! I have become very fond of from-scratch baking. No prepared stuff for me!
Onto the wardrobe....
I wanted to be sure my get-up was one of a kind. I didn't want to go traditional flapper dress. When I think of 1920's fashion, for some odd reason, lace comes to mind. Most of the imagry I found was very danty and lacey. I had a picture perfect idea in my head. Layering lace slips/nightey's. So, I was on the hunt. I thought the best place to look was lingerie stores. And alas, I was correct. I found a simple black lace nightey at Nordstrom. I really wanted to do white on top. While shopping for Valentines' Day presents, I stumbleled upon the store, Soma. (I don't wear lingerie/bra's. Negataive A cup over here! So, lingerie stores are not frequented by me!) They had a perfect white lace nightey.
I got a black garder and some thigh highs, lots of pearls and called it a day. Well, not exactly.... what about the hair? As you know, I have a LOT of hair. And if you google 1920s fashion, they didn't have long hair back then. I opted to do a wig. And yes, all of it fit into the wig cap. Securley? Heck no. But there was a lot of hairstylists in attendence so I had some assistance throughout the night!
Pre lipstick, pre pearls, pre wig...
We hired a dj. His name is Drace Navarro. He is my husband. And let me just say, he cleans up very nice and he plays the best of tunes. Considering his music choice to dj is my shared itunes library.

We hired a photographer. His name is Judd. He was amazing. Over 150 pictures were captured. They are in order of occurance on the cd. And let me tell you, you can tell how much liquor was consumed throughout the evening... just by the photo's!
So, the party was a success. Everyone dressed up. People showed up!
So... just a few of the evidence captured......

1920's makeup,
1920's theme,
30th Birthday,
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