And I got crafty!

I made 2 burp cloths. I got this adorable fabric that says "That's how I roll." So flippin cute!
The burp cloths were from a tutorial courtesy of homemadebyjill.
I wasn't alone in the sewing endeavors. I had help from my lovely sister in law, Vicki. She is the motivation and inspiration behind my new sewing escapades. Without her, I would be knee deep in paper and scissors and bored out of my mind. She has helped me to branch out in my crafts. She and my brother bought me the sewing machine for my 30th Birthday. It all started there. So, thank you Vicki!
Back to the project...
I also made a little taggie blanket. Vicki was the mastermind behind the tutorial. She made it up all on her own. Clap Your Hands Say Yea for Vicki!
On to the onesies.... This friend that is pregnant has been a close friend of mine since we were wee little 16 year olds. We attended concerts together, swooned over the lead singers and drummers. We eventually came to be roommates while living our hectic lives in New York City. She was more than a roommate, she was my partner in crime. I love the heck out of that pretty lady! And now she is to become a mother. I couldn't be happy for her! And now, Clap Your Hands Say Yea for Christy!!!!
So, needless to say, she rocks. As does her husband. I might add, I was there when they met. We were standing in line for (can't remember which band, perhaps it was Brand New or Taking Back Sunday?)
I used iron-on letters for the lettering. As for the music notes... I used the lovely tutorial by MADE.
1. Cut out your design with an exacto knife.
2. Iron-on the stencil with the smooth side of the paper down.
3. Use fabric paint and paint over the stencil. Careful not to paint outside of the stencil. Just inside.
4. Let dry for a few hours.
5. Remove the stencil. It's kinda fun to see the stencil revealed underneath.
6. Iron over the stencil. Make sure you put a cloth down between the stencil'd fabric and the iron.
7. Voila!!! You're done.